Saturday, 27 September 2014

The wants of many....

As I sit in the passenger seat of the car on the way home from a wedding. I'm pondering all that I need to do. All this week will hold and how all our plans and changes will come together. As most will know I can keep secrets well and not tell a soul something if it is shared in confidence but when it's something I so want to share about stuff I'm doing and can't.... it is freak'n killing me! I mean really killing me.

People keep asking what we are doing in the shop it's hard not to spill every bean to them. I say things like it will be different. Big changes! More like us! But when it boils down to it it tells people nothing. Not what they really want to know and not what I really want to tell them. 

The fire changed everything. It changed us to the point we had to re evaluate every part of our business. What we were doing and what we really wanted to do. It gave us time to think and gave us time to put into motion our real want for our business. It took time. Time I know people didn't want it to take but finally we will be back in a weeks time. 

Our beautiful regulars will have great coffee once more and fresh whole food. With a lot of extras they have no idea about. One thing I can share is 'no' fryer will be in store. It may confuse a few but to be honest the thought of a fryer scares the living crap out of me after the fire. 

So as my mind goes 100 miles an hour with listing things to do, I am excited to see peoples faces and to know we have been missed greatly. So let the count down begin. The dog is on it's way back.


Friday, 12 September 2014


I am so freak'n excited at the moment. I am filled with nervous excitement. I just can't contain it.  I am likely to jump up and down with squealing added for no real reason. Im just that excited. Ya want to know why? Everything is getting there. The shouse. The shop. It's all coming together, although I'm so flippn stressed that I'm not going to get everything done!

Okay first up the shop. Finally the clean up in readiness for the painters to start and floor coverings to happen. I have got heaps unpacked and next week I will have the front of house complete set up! It's looking great. I find myself smiling at it. New products are being ordered and organised. It's killing me not to share what we are doing with everyone. 

Next up the shouse. We have a kitchen, 80% of the walls, plumbing, power and the list could keep going on. It's looking amazing and finally I feel like the finish line is in sight. Finally we are getting up to jobs I an help out more with. I'm so proud of Marty for all his hard work and thankful to my Dad and Mum for helping.  

What more could a girl want. I'm not after diamonds or gold, I just am happy to have a simple home with the ones I love. I'm happy and I can't seem to hide it.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Spring has sprung

Wow its September! Already i hear you say, but its spring YAY! This is the time of year where new growth happens so quietly. Trees blossom and flowers bud. Babies seem to appear in paddocks and lovers are tying themselves to each other for life in marriage. Spring is a beautiful time where life wakes up again from its winter sleep. I love it unless you haven't already guessed. Things for us seem to have woken up and are going full steam ahead with growth. I won't lie its very stressful with both the house and the shop moving toward the finish line at the exact same time but I'm determined. Which Marty fines really annoying because I'm riding him constantly about getting everything done which is hard!

Everything is just so time consuming that it feels like things are not moving faster enough and yet they are but we as humans don't seem to think its enough. Marty is doing a great job, i just wish i could do more to help him more. When we list whats left to do its not that much but the days just keep getting away from us and life sometimes gets in the way.

I have to keep telling myself that things are happening and we are moving forward. It will all get finished and we will then have:

1. A house to live in
2. A business that will provide us with a income to live on

In saying that we are in Sydney this weekend, not working on anything, which is hard as its lost time but we have done lots for the shop fit out, so its not like we haven't done what we need to do. And you know what its balance. We are spending time with people that matter and that's important to. Even in our rush to get everything done you have to stop and remember to not let life get in the way with spending time taking a time out. So for the rest of this weekend we will spend time with family and friends. Relaxing and laughing and eating. Eating always seems to happen to the point i feel like a bloated mule, which was my feeling of lasts nights outing to the best Italian i know. It was so good and i was so full i couldn't do dessert. Which for my close friend know that doesn't happen, there is always room for dessert.

So as i finally finish this, sitting in my quiet mother in laws house, where at 8am no one is awake bar me and the animals. I'm just going to spend the rest of this month trying to go with the flow and also work as hard as i humanly can. Which i totally know is a contradiction but that's me. try for mellow but always end up crazy!