Sunday, 16 November 2014

One of those days

Having one of those days where I just feel like crap. My mood is low, my body is playing up on me and making me feel sick and I just can't seem to pick myself up and carry on with it. You know what I'm saying right? Just a shit day that will pass but not before you hit the floor!

Life of late has been on the whole, pretty freaking good. Albeit something's have been a struggle, I have felt pretty good. I'm exercising and watching what I eat. I have lost weight. I may have put it back on while on the annual school camp but I'm back on track and have lost the weeks weight gain. I am finding this work/home balance is really good. We are enjoying both sides equally which is nice. 

But today I'm just low and really can't articulate why. It's not the woman's  condition in case you had wondered.  I'm just, well, flat! My head has all these questions, which I wish it would stop asking as I will never know the answers too. My really smart husband gave me my options on my problem. Simple really but my head still struggles to work it out!

I hope that when sleep finds me tonight, the new day of tomorrow will bring light and an awakening of what I need to do to finish this struggle of mine. So until this happens I will sit with my adult drink and ponder the what ifs, the how comes and I should do's in my world.