Sunday, 21 December 2014

Miss E and G are eight!

Today my littlest humans turned eight. As I struggle with my eldest going to high school, these little people are reminding me time is traveling along with no way of stopping it. Them being born is still so vivid and seems like only yesterday but they are eight and there is no mistaking their growth. This year has been a huge growth period for them. They have seriously blossomed. 

Dear George,

Boy oh boy you are just the sweetest kid I think I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and I help create you. You are smart. Very very smart, you make me feel dumb a  lot of the time. You love art, which makes me know that your daddy and myself firmly left an imprint. You care about everyone. You worry about Emerson always and you make sure everyone is doing the right thing. You are our policewomen, always on the job. I love you more and more each day. 

Dear Emerson,

You are one of a kind. You are the true blue individual. You make me laugh something silly. You also make me very mad sometimes. We clash a lot but I think that is because we are very alike. You are a clown like me. You love attention and almost crave it. This year you have thrived. The change in schools last year I think was the best thing that has happened to you. You proved how smart you are. This last year has seen you mature and to see you proud of your sister at presentation day instead of jealous made me cry. I love you truly, madly, deeply. 


Both of these little humans are as I always say two halves of one whole. They fight like normal siblings but when it comes down it, they protect each other fiercely and love each other deeply. They were a surprise eight years ago and they continue to surprise us everyday.

Happy birthday my beautiful girls. It's a pleasure to be your mummy.  

Friday, 5 December 2014

Month number twelve, already...

LMy need to blog lately has been low. It's funny, it's something that calls to you to be done and if there is no call, I feel I shouldn't write. Blogging for me comes from a place that needs to speak. Maybe for reasons of growth, wants of closure and a need to document the wonderful. I'm no writer but I do enjoy this medium more than most. I share, albeit too much sometimes which some find strange but I share. I'm real which is a nice place to live. 

Can you believe it's December. I can't, this year had been so strange and so much like living on a roller coaster. The highs have been wonderful and the drop to the lows bumpy but we made it to the end of the ride that was 2014. This month is one of my favourites. I love Christmas. Christmas morning I find myself just sitting watching my little humans unwrap there treasures with untapped excitement. Waiting to see if they love the gifts we have chosen. 

It is also the month my twins were born. In a rush but determine to be here for Christmas. In a blink eight years have flown by but they will always be my little girls. 

So of late life is busy. Which is no real change from any other moment for us humans. It's just the only difference at the moment is no matter how busy our lives are we are finally mastering the work and home  life balance. It's super cool to feel good about both halves of your life. 

My need to document moments and feelings has its ups and downs. It is honest and brutal at times but you know what, it feels good to write it down. To acknowledge those feelings. To share my moments. To feel I can be honest with myself to share the way I do. To share private moments and times in my family that makes us real. Perfection comes from within, not on the outside. My life with all its craziness and bumps is perfect. My family make it that way. My girls are just my reminder of how lucky I got in life. My husband is my rock and my most perfect other half. They all make me whole. 

So December has arrived and the man in the big red suit will be on his way very soon. Still so many moments left to share until 2015 arrives with force. I'm going to enjoy the rest of the ride and continue to share my heart.