Sunday, 4 October 2015

First lost love

Last night our big girl Miss M told me she had to tell me something but was finding it hard to say. We finally guessed what was wrong and her first love was over. You know those first relationships where you feel like your in love but when it happens 100% you realise they were just crushes. Marty called her over and our big girl who is fiercely independent curled into her daddy's arms and cried. 

I knew something was off that afternoon, she was more sullen then usual. Hiding in her room more than normal and when I walked into ask her something her face was pale and sad. My mummy radar was pinging but I wouldn't push her to talk unless she wanted to. 

For Marty this was a reminder that although he hasn't seen her naked for over 3 years and when she is moody and glares at him like he is poo on her shoe, she still needs her dad when things go wrong. It actually made my heart swell to see this happen. She held my hand the whole time aswell which made me also realise how strong a bond we have with the girls and that we are doing some things right. 

First crushes are like whirl winds. Strong emotions and easy to break. Teaching her that love will be so much stronger was our task last night. That love is fought for. 

These first heart breaks will never disappear from your memories but when real love happens, you realise what love truly is. 

Bx 💜

Thursday, 1 October 2015

First lost love

Last night our big girl Miss M told me she had to tell me something but was finding it hard to say. We finally guessed what was wrong and her first love was over. You know those first relationships where you feel like your in love but when it happens 100% you realise they were just crushes. Marty called her over and our big girl who is fiercely independent curled into her daddy's arms and cried. 

For Marty this was a reminder that although he hasn't seen her naked for over 3 years and when she is moody, she still needs her dad when things go wrong. It actually made my heart swell to see this happen. She held my hand the whole time aswell which made me also realise how strong a bond we have with the girls and that we are doing some things right. 

First crushes are like whirl winds. Strong emotions and easy to break. Teaching her that love will be so much stronger was our task last night. That love is fought for.