Saturday, 16 August 2014

A parents tale in a frozen setting

The feel of my kids hands is the softess thing I have every felt. I find myself while holding their hands rubbing their palms. It's something that they must notice cause occasionally they do it back to me if I haven't done it. As a mum it's one thing I do and have never really thought of why!

Today we got to experience something completely new for the girls and I, SNOW! It was truly beautiful. The sight is one that is not easily relayed. It's hard to do the scene  of how it looks even in a picture. It's white, fluffy, cold but not at the same time. It seems to just be! 

The girls faces the first moment they seen it from the car were priceless and hard not to get caught up in the awe if it. The girls once we parked ran to the first bit they could see and rolled! Had snow fights and giggled non stop. 

They went on tub rides, taboggans and skied! I watch in awe how fearless they were and how they picked it up so easily. I'm not going to say the day was without whinging, cause it wasn't. My family all ended up with colds and coughs. So when the Panadol ran out y'know the girls would just deflat and whinge. 

The whinging was really minimal compared to the rest of the day. My girls had a day they will remember. An experience that I kind of got the same view of, considering I'm 34 and this was my first experience with snow! 

A snowman was made with many renditions of "do you want to build a snowman?"  It's not as easy as you would think. Snow is a lot harder to moluld than it looks. Olaf was pretty cute though and the kids all helped to make it which was uber cute. 

Seeing Marty. I'm sure seeing his girls experience something he grew up with everyday made me smile. Watching him take them down the taboggans. Smiling at them while they learnt to ski and having the proudest grin in his face as they succeeded was gorgeous. He made my heart expand today by the pride I seen in him.  

I'm sure my girls day was up there for them. It was up there for me. So as we travelled home. My but is sore and the girls are tired, today rocked for more than one reason. Colds, coughs and all. The snow was freaking awesome. 

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