This week I feel I have raised my voice equally to how much I have laughed. I laugh a lot so you can see my problem. The mornings and some evenings which are normally very mellow have held angst and tears. Lines yelled at me like 'you blame me for everything' and ' you don't believe me'. This has hurt, because I love all my children equally just differently. You can't love them identically as they are all different and our relationships are all very individual, but simply I have no favourites!
So this morning all these issues came to a head! Which meant what started out to be this beautiful mellow morning of the last day of the school week, turned into a yelling match with a two year old tantrum. Please note I don't have a two year olds in this house. I took a big deep breath and tried to stay calm to try and make my point about the behaviour sink into this beautiful and cranky little creature.
With Marty away, I felt a little lost for support but I think I managed to get her to understand that what she is doing is not how we treat the people we love and hopefully it sank in just enough to help her to remember. Parenting is so hard and when you have more than one, making sure you are fair and consistent is flipping hard.
So my hope is that when my kids pile off the bus in oh two minutes that they are happy and the afternoon and evening only holds joy without the angst.