Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Dust, smoke and rotten food

The packing and clean up has started in the shop and the flat upstairs. The council has deemed the building unsafe so this means no business and no home. It has been a hard week, where time has almost drifted by without our noticing. Each day has been taken as it comes. Lists were made so we could get to the next goal. 

The next step. 
The next slap in the face. 
The next big hit. 

So we have continued on with many people asking us how we are. It's so hard to answer that question, because my customer service skills kick in and tell me to say 'great'. No one wants to know how bad you are, is all I hear in my head. The thing is people do want to know, I just find it hard to say 'life is down right shit'. 

I can't bring myself to say I'm bad, it's just not in my nature. I would much prefer not to burden someone else with my crap. 

So today is one week on. Insurance claim conversation has been the main conversation that is happening with Marty and I. Thoughts of what we will do is so far from rational thought. As it stands we are only worrying about getting paid for our contents to pay our bills, put a roof over our families head and getting through everyday as it comes. 

Our family is strong and will make it to the end of this blackness. Even with all this blackness, my girls are still giggling, I'm still singing and Marty is still laughing at all of us. 

The road to recovery is rough, bumpy and has no toilet breaks in sight. 

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Hi all, thanks for reading and I will try to reply to all comments. Big love Bx