Sunday, 27 July 2014

A turning page

This week saw the end of one moment in our lives with the finishing up of moving all that was left at the shop and the beginning of another with the re-start of the shouse. The shouse has been on hold since April. Time was the major barrier stopping us. 

It has been frustrating to not be moving forward with our future. Then there was fire..... Everything changed in one moment. Time now is all we have until out plans come to fruition with our business. This time is like a gift. A gift of change. A gift of reevaluation of just about everything in our lives!

With this we have movement at the block. My amazing husband. He has amazed me with his skill and ease at building the internal frame work of our house. I just have found myself staring at him in ore of what he is doing to make our family a home. 

The girls have spent a lot of time at the block and you know what they have needed it. They have played and helped each other. I have watched them from the kitchen window digging in the dirt. Creating adventure tracks, planting veggies and flower seeds. It has made me smile even when Amelia covers herself in mud!

So the page that has turned in our lives although rough and sudden has a light. I'm excited about the future, even though unknown. One happy lady here on this Sunday night!


Friday, 11 July 2014

Thank you

This fundraiser I have been struggling with from the beginning. Not uncomfortable with anyone involved or everyone that is here or given something. Struggled being in the lime light. Struggled with people knowing our situation. It's funny if the shoes were on another's I would have no problem putting my hand to help do the same thing for them. Eating humble pie as I was told to do Is not easy and very hard to swallow.

I am truly humbled by just the thought let alone the outcome. It's a struggle to find the right words to thank everyone in the right way. I know I will repay this gesture with interest for all who are involved. 

These last four weeks have been tough and yet I still found myself thinking there were worse off people in the world than us. People who have lost more, people who have lost loved ones to soon or people like my brother and his wife who may never conseve. Even with the mounting bills, an unfinished house and living cozily in mum and dad's two bedroom cottage I found time to smile.

This time has made way for growth of thought. Growth of promises made and growth of parenting. Growth of ideas for the future and finding that all hard to achieve balance. A promise of being a being parent and better person.

Our plan for the business has changed albeit forced but it is looking good but very changed. Official announcement will be made in time but the loaded dog cafe as we know it is no more. 

From the bottoms of our hearts we thank you. I wish there were better words, bigger words, stronger words, but thank you is all there is. So again thank you!

Rebecca :)

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

School holidays

I have to say that these last two weeks have been completely different from every school holidays we have had in the last 3 years. We have been home! Sleep ins have reigned supreme with lots of cuddles on the lounge. 

We have spent time with the girls. We have played, laughed and listened to them. They have been content and happy, although they have bickered with each other over nothing really. Such girls sometimes, with the way they fight with each other. 

The days have gone fast though. Time seems to be flying with no aparant reason for it. It's like because there is no routine that you don't pay any attention to the time. This holidays they have had adventures. They have created make believe worlds where trash was turned into a house! 

There is a reason our parents sent us outside to play, other than to get some sanity. Being outside does something to your brain. It makes you think. Makes you make your own fun. It let's go of any tension and refreshes the soul. It creates happy kids and I have to say happy adults. I feel so good after being outside. 

Our days even though spent worrying about everything that is happening have been nice. Nice to connect with the girls. Realising we have missed so much with them and let them down big time with the pressures of work. Realising that things will change to be better for them. Knowing work is not meant to rule ones life. 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

A blog unlike the one I just wrote

I have sat and wrote a blog about all our issues. All our problems. All our crap really. I re read it and thought why would you want to share that? Why would people want to hear you moan and whinge about your life? So I saved, didn't delete it as it's good for me to re read later, but I decided to start again. 

Life is hard at the moment but I need to take a deep breathe and push forward. It's a time to reevaluate my life, my purpose and my journey. To make sure our lives are what we want and if they aren't to use this forced stop to change things for the better. 

I'm not going to kid you. Today has been one of the worst since the fire. I was wallowing and just felt everytime I tried to get up someone knocked me back into that hole. I was in tears in the post office, I blanked people in the super market and hated the sound of my phone.  So of all the stuff we had to do today, nothing got done but spending time with the girls. 

Wishing on days like today. I could close my eyes and when I opened them back up things would be different. So we all know that's not going to happen. Today was shit, just hoping tomorrow holds a little more light to let my soul feel a little brighter no matter what crap is going on.