It has been frustrating to not be moving forward with our future. Then there was fire..... Everything changed in one moment. Time now is all we have until out plans come to fruition with our business. This time is like a gift. A gift of change. A gift of reevaluation of just about everything in our lives!
With this we have movement at the block. My amazing husband. He has amazed me with his skill and ease at building the internal frame work of our house. I just have found myself staring at him in ore of what he is doing to make our family a home.
The girls have spent a lot of time at the block and you know what they have needed it. They have played and helped each other. I have watched them from the kitchen window digging in the dirt. Creating adventure tracks, planting veggies and flower seeds. It has made me smile even when Amelia covers herself in mud!
So the page that has turned in our lives although rough and sudden has a light. I'm excited about the future, even though unknown. One happy lady here on this Sunday night!