Friday, 11 July 2014

Thank you

This fundraiser I have been struggling with from the beginning. Not uncomfortable with anyone involved or everyone that is here or given something. Struggled being in the lime light. Struggled with people knowing our situation. It's funny if the shoes were on another's I would have no problem putting my hand to help do the same thing for them. Eating humble pie as I was told to do Is not easy and very hard to swallow.

I am truly humbled by just the thought let alone the outcome. It's a struggle to find the right words to thank everyone in the right way. I know I will repay this gesture with interest for all who are involved. 

These last four weeks have been tough and yet I still found myself thinking there were worse off people in the world than us. People who have lost more, people who have lost loved ones to soon or people like my brother and his wife who may never conseve. Even with the mounting bills, an unfinished house and living cozily in mum and dad's two bedroom cottage I found time to smile.

This time has made way for growth of thought. Growth of promises made and growth of parenting. Growth of ideas for the future and finding that all hard to achieve balance. A promise of being a being parent and better person.

Our plan for the business has changed albeit forced but it is looking good but very changed. Official announcement will be made in time but the loaded dog cafe as we know it is no more. 

From the bottoms of our hearts we thank you. I wish there were better words, bigger words, stronger words, but thank you is all there is. So again thank you!

Rebecca :)

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Hi all, thanks for reading and I will try to reply to all comments. Big love Bx