Monday 5 January 2015

Better highs and smaller lows

Well it's a new year. Finally 2014 ended, it still had its last hurrah on us with Christmas Day rains flooding the shop. It was just like the universe needed to remind us we have not finished messing with your lives just yet!  But the year is finally over and my hopes for the new one are hopeful albeit still dealing with the struggles of the last one. 

This year I'm making changing. No more Facebook is a big one. It has caused so many problems for me and my family and I'm just finding the medium very petty and very sad. It is also going to see a change in the way our family works. It will see changes at work. It will see changes in the shouse. It will see changes to finances. 

I have hopes that this year won't be perfect but will be better than the last one. Although I know life needs the bad stuff for balance to occur. I hope it is that though,  balanced this year. It's has been hard to not cry over every obstacle of the past twelve months. At times I just had to, but life doesn't stop just because things are hard. You just need to keep living, and remember the bad stuff won't last. 

I'm hopeful. It's hard to think any other way as there are four little humans that need me to be their support. Their rock and pick up the pieces to make their world a better place. Wallowing, although it happens, has to be done in the quiet of the night when they lay their heads down to rest. 

So here's to hoping this year is better than the last and more than I can imagine. 

1 comment:

Hi all, thanks for reading and I will try to reply to all comments. Big love Bx