Friday, 27 March 2015

Autumn is here....

Can you believe that it is March already. I mean it's actually closer to April than March. Easter is freaking next weekend! The weather is cooling down. The leaves are turning and this side of the world, the earth is getting ready to have a bit of a sleep! My chickens are laying more, cause the days are cooler! My children and us are sleeping in each day and the want to stay under the covers is becoming a fight that the covers are winning. 

This is the time of year where getting outside is not limited to the time of day or the temperature. It is the start of my favourite time of year. We become more social, which sounds completely strange, but the lure of a camp oven around a bonfire is just like 10stars!

This weekend marks the start of a joint working bee with some friends where we work one weekend a month at someone's house, doing jobs that need a few sets of hands and having extras around gives you more motivation. I'm excited to see what we are creating tomorrow and how helping someone else achieve a goal will make me feel good. 

Sunday we have plans of finishing our retaining around the shouse, then start of our entertaining area, where my double hammock will be hung! We also have to sort our camper trailer out for our weekend away over Easter. We also plan to end the weekend with yummy homemade pizza. 

This time of year when everything is getting ready for a rest, I almost feel like I have more energy. Like I'm bursting at the seems to be doing anything. Especially outside, summer here is so hot, you are almost trapped by it. To hot to be outside for long periods.

Right now I'm heading back to the lounge where my beautiful girls are camped out and finish watching the chick flick while the man about the house is out hunting! Enjoy your weekend my friends out in the land of www... Bx

Friday, 20 March 2015

Hermit in the hill

Almost two months have past since we sold the shop. I think I'm finally adjusting to my days, although some I lack motivation to do just about anything. Some days have been lonely and others time seem to not have enough hours to get everything done. I'm baking for my kids again, which pleases me to know exactly what they are putting in their mouths. I'm spending time in my garden and painting walls. 

So I have become a bad friend. I'm not around. I'm not that accessible and I'm sure some have taken this personally but in truth I'm just keeping to myself. I am enjoying the quiet. The somewhat limited contact. I am almost doing a reboot and update like a computer. I have taken a big step away from the likes of Facebook. I have un-friended a lot of people, not because I dislike any of them. I have done this as I feel now that I'm not in the public eye daily, my personal space should be more closed of and somewhat private. 

Many won't understand this, but this is what has needed to happen with me, as I have not felt safe to post anything on fb from fear of judgement or to have people know business that in a normal situation would not know of me. The abuse that comes from Facebook posts is soul destroying. Simple but true. 

I'm still needing to make more changes in that arena but I also have changed as it doesn't attract me as much as it use to. I find my blog a place of sanctuary, with Instagram being an outlet to share arty photos of my life. 

So as I get used to life on the hill. Life is simple and full of love. My girls are reaping the rewards of me being home and Marty tells me he loves me being home but his waist line does not. 

Until I'm rebooted, I'm the hermit on the hill. Living simply and quietly. I'm alive just out of reach to most. 

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Don't mess with mummy's Cubs

This week life has been a roller coaster of emotions, I tell you. Started the week slow. Tired but determine to exercise. Wednesday I had a job interview and that in turn ended the highs. Wednesday afternoon the bad came crashing down with the bus driver for the second time scaring the living crap out of me and the kids.  This said bus driver believes he is entitled to punish my children by making them stay on the bus longer. The killer part is, the thing he blamed them for, they didn't do!  

So I rang the bus company, whom he hadn't told any of this too. They seemed to be on my side and understand my distress until they ask me to speak to the driver the next morning. Well he didn't want to understand that he scared me and the kids and just wanted to yell at me like I was two! It gets better, he then slammed the door in my face and drove off at bullet pace. I was horrified and scarred for my girls, but didn't want to drive to the next stop and ripped them off as I know it would have embarrassed them. 

I arrived home and rang Marty, who was too horrified by what I retold to him and this is where the story goes from worse to outright unbelievable. Marty rang the bus company where he left a message. He rang the school who were upset by what had happened and then the police. Obviously the police visit to there business got them to return the call and that's when Marty realised they didn't care about what he was upset about and then started to call my husband names and myself a liar. 

Things escalated from there and now we are at a point where the wife of the owner rang me and has somewhat smoothed it over, but it doesn't change how stomach churned I have been today at the thought of them coming home today on the bus. I want an apology and ultimately the bus driver gone. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had problems, but by the sounds of it the only one that has said anything. 

Although I put them on the bus this afternoon I don't think I will be able to do it again. I haven't been myself all day at the thought of them on there and I can't spend my days worrying about this. I want to know they get to and from school with no worries. I mean this man has put young kids off 2kms from there bus stop without calling a parent. He needs to be stopped. 

I don't fight all my kids battles, but I pick the ones that they need help with. This mummy bear is cranky!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Courageous little lions

I had a moment of pure clarity yesterday evening watching my soon to be twelve year old get ready for her first high school social. It was a themed event and the character had to start with the first letter of their name. She picked a YouTube star called Miranda. Who has big dark eyebrows and hot red lipstick that is smudged all over her face. This character sings terribly but yet flipping hilarious at the same time. And maya God love her, went out in public dressed like this. I mean I had bravery envy!

Marty and I sat amazed at the courage and confidence in her. We started to talk about it and realised we would have never done that for fear of rejection and bullying. Yet this kid just didn't care. I envy her. I mean, I'm now almost 35 and I don't worry about things like that, but imagine how much more of a handle I could of had on my life if I had got this courage earlier. 

We talked about how all the girls have this same quality. Where did they get it? How did we teach these skills, when we struggled with them as youths? It was puzzling to us. Funny to is that the other three have even more courage than maya, so it made me laugh to realise that they would dress up even more when their time comes. 

I'm proud to say that they have this quality I so truly desired long ago. I envy the courage and the lack of want for approval from their peers. I love that their friends love and encourage this behaviour. I enjoy seeing my kids being completely them with no need to hide traits. I loved that somehow Marty and I helped mould this behaviour and allowed it to never be squashed. My moment yesterday made the bad week before melt away with the knowledge we are doing something right.