Tuesday 3 March 2015

Courageous little lions

I had a moment of pure clarity yesterday evening watching my soon to be twelve year old get ready for her first high school social. It was a themed event and the character had to start with the first letter of their name. She picked a YouTube star called Miranda. Who has big dark eyebrows and hot red lipstick that is smudged all over her face. This character sings terribly but yet flipping hilarious at the same time. And maya God love her, went out in public dressed like this. I mean I had bravery envy!

Marty and I sat amazed at the courage and confidence in her. We started to talk about it and realised we would have never done that for fear of rejection and bullying. Yet this kid just didn't care. I envy her. I mean, I'm now almost 35 and I don't worry about things like that, but imagine how much more of a handle I could of had on my life if I had got this courage earlier. 

We talked about how all the girls have this same quality. Where did they get it? How did we teach these skills, when we struggled with them as youths? It was puzzling to us. Funny to is that the other three have even more courage than maya, so it made me laugh to realise that they would dress up even more when their time comes. 

I'm proud to say that they have this quality I so truly desired long ago. I envy the courage and the lack of want for approval from their peers. I love that their friends love and encourage this behaviour. I enjoy seeing my kids being completely them with no need to hide traits. I loved that somehow Marty and I helped mould this behaviour and allowed it to never be squashed. My moment yesterday made the bad week before melt away with the knowledge we are doing something right. 

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