Friday 20 March 2015

Hermit in the hill

Almost two months have past since we sold the shop. I think I'm finally adjusting to my days, although some I lack motivation to do just about anything. Some days have been lonely and others time seem to not have enough hours to get everything done. I'm baking for my kids again, which pleases me to know exactly what they are putting in their mouths. I'm spending time in my garden and painting walls. 

So I have become a bad friend. I'm not around. I'm not that accessible and I'm sure some have taken this personally but in truth I'm just keeping to myself. I am enjoying the quiet. The somewhat limited contact. I am almost doing a reboot and update like a computer. I have taken a big step away from the likes of Facebook. I have un-friended a lot of people, not because I dislike any of them. I have done this as I feel now that I'm not in the public eye daily, my personal space should be more closed of and somewhat private. 

Many won't understand this, but this is what has needed to happen with me, as I have not felt safe to post anything on fb from fear of judgement or to have people know business that in a normal situation would not know of me. The abuse that comes from Facebook posts is soul destroying. Simple but true. 

I'm still needing to make more changes in that arena but I also have changed as it doesn't attract me as much as it use to. I find my blog a place of sanctuary, with Instagram being an outlet to share arty photos of my life. 

So as I get used to life on the hill. Life is simple and full of love. My girls are reaping the rewards of me being home and Marty tells me he loves me being home but his waist line does not. 

Until I'm rebooted, I'm the hermit on the hill. Living simply and quietly. I'm alive just out of reach to most. 

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Hi all, thanks for reading and I will try to reply to all comments. Big love Bx