Friday 27 March 2015

Autumn is here....

Can you believe that it is March already. I mean it's actually closer to April than March. Easter is freaking next weekend! The weather is cooling down. The leaves are turning and this side of the world, the earth is getting ready to have a bit of a sleep! My chickens are laying more, cause the days are cooler! My children and us are sleeping in each day and the want to stay under the covers is becoming a fight that the covers are winning. 

This is the time of year where getting outside is not limited to the time of day or the temperature. It is the start of my favourite time of year. We become more social, which sounds completely strange, but the lure of a camp oven around a bonfire is just like 10stars!

This weekend marks the start of a joint working bee with some friends where we work one weekend a month at someone's house, doing jobs that need a few sets of hands and having extras around gives you more motivation. I'm excited to see what we are creating tomorrow and how helping someone else achieve a goal will make me feel good. 

Sunday we have plans of finishing our retaining around the shouse, then start of our entertaining area, where my double hammock will be hung! We also have to sort our camper trailer out for our weekend away over Easter. We also plan to end the weekend with yummy homemade pizza. 

This time of year when everything is getting ready for a rest, I almost feel like I have more energy. Like I'm bursting at the seems to be doing anything. Especially outside, summer here is so hot, you are almost trapped by it. To hot to be outside for long periods.

Right now I'm heading back to the lounge where my beautiful girls are camped out and finish watching the chick flick while the man about the house is out hunting! Enjoy your weekend my friends out in the land of www... Bx

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Hi all, thanks for reading and I will try to reply to all comments. Big love Bx