Friday 3 July 2015

On the move again.

Today we said a big goodbye to family we have been staying with. We have had a great week staying with these lovely people. I have laughed like no ones business to the point tears have fallen for my eyes. The girls didn't seem to want to leave. 

We hit the road and headed south. Our destination would be Eastbourne. A southern coastal town of England. It was a pretty drive, the scenery is just bountiful and green. Although the traffic on some roads left me freaking out a little as the speed limit is much higher on roads. For example we were doing 80 on a road in Australia you would do 50 on, begs a few questions. 

We arrive a little later than planned but still take the girls to the beach as promised. The girls faces when they got to the top of the path and came face to face with a pebble beach was cute. They seemed a little confused at first until the lure of the water took over. 

It wasn't freezing but it wasn't warm either. In saying that they still played in it for over 45 minutes. Maya collected pebbles she is hoping customs won't take off her for her little friend Zack, who she knows has a rock collection. 

I stood and watched, taking it all in and also thinking how each place has beauty. For what the beach was it was stunning. Not like our crystal clear water and white sand at home but for the beautiful colours in the pebbles, the cool retaining walls that travel into the ocean every 50 metres and for the beautiful white pier where the point meets the cliffs. 

Tomorrow we head to France and I have to say our week in England has been one I will never forget. 

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