Sunday, 21 February 2016

What? Monday again!

I don't know about any of my other parent friends but Monday mornings in our house always just seem crap! It's funny how Monday-itis isn't just for adults. Kids seem to get it too, which is all good and well unless your the one having to keep them going so they can get out the door in time. So my morning went a little like this.....

6.25am Marty's alarm goes, which he snoozes on. 6.30am my alarm starts with a P!nk song on the radio playing in which I think I'm dreaming about until I finally come to. I switch it off only to face plant my pillow again. I lay there not quite awake until my pea size bladder screams at me to get up. Marty has a cuppa tea ready for me as he walks around waking the girls. The three little ones come down stairs one after the other. Hair disheveled and sleep still clinging to their eyes. 

The biggest girl is yet to surface. After 30 minutes of calling her name, I walk in and strip her of her Doona and sheet. I get a mouthful in a language that is from another planet. She finally gets up, complaining about her new school skirt being to puffy, like I can make her more curving with a twist of my wrist! She then grabs an up'n'go and walks out onto the deck. 

All the while the three little ones finish breakfast and get dressed. Amelia comes down in shorts which I say go and change and put your skort on. She argues, I yell, she yells, I yell some more she then says fine and storms off. I'm calling maya to come back inside or she will be late. Mills comes down after 10 minutes in a skirt, I say how will you do cricket practice in a skirt, she goes and changes again this time into a skort. Call Maya again. Put Georgia's hair in a ponytail. 

All the while I'm walking around tidying up so I can clean etc on my day off. I need to use the toilet, 2 kids want their hairs done. I say 'go do another job while I go to the bathroom'. Not even 5 minutes later I find Maya still out on the deck and now mills is swinging in the hammock. 

Wtf! I yell at both of them now, in my crazy mummy is losing her ever loving shit voice.  I address Amelia first who confirms she was not doing what she was told, I tell her to go pack her lunch. Onto Maya about her slowness and mills walks into Maya's room. Ok! Why are you in here mills? She replies, no lie 'I just wanted to look at Maya's desk'. Again WTF!!!

By this time we have 15minutes before the bus comes and only two kids have gotten ready. Oh and while all this stuff is happening, Miss Emerson insists on taking her guitar to school for show and tell. So it needs dusting off. Then she pipes up and says 'can you just tune it for me?'. Man I should have more grey hairs. 

I get them to the bus stop with a couple of minutes to spare. They all get kissed and told to have a great day. I love them terribly but Monday's suck hairy nuts.


Thursday, 18 February 2016

From stepford wife and beyond....

Where do you rate yourself as a parent? How do you stack up amongst the stepford wives of your domaine? You know I used to worry about what other mothers thought of my parenting. I even tried to be like others. 

You know - label everything with little johnnies name, clothes were always clean and surely should be a brand better than target. Their bedrooms had to look a certain way. My house had to be cleaned within an inch of its life because at any moment a visitor would be a knocking. God forbid they see a few crumbs on the floor from lunch or toys everywhere. And above all else don't ever admit to not coping. That is blasphemy!!!!

It's safe to say I no longer live like this. Trying to keep up appearances is hard work and seriously no fun. My house now gets messy and if I don't want to tidy up, it's just that I could not be bothered. Some times I just don't wash up after dinner and seriously the world does not implode! 

I still love a clean house, don't mistake this as an admission that we now live like pigs. We just are real and a lot less stressed. It is handy the girls are older and take care of their things and tidy up after themselves (when asked).

 My parenting has changed too. I'm honest about my ups and downs. I don't think less or more of other parents because we all get this job with no previous training and learn as we go. I've learnt to be kinder to myself when I get cranky and yell. Im trying to raise 4 girls into women who should be respectful to them selves and others always. 

I sometimes fail at this parenting stuff. I question if the girls even like me let alone love me. Sometimes I have huge wins and feel like "I so have this stuff down" All in all this is a on the job learning experience that is not ever going to mirror another parents. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Everything needs closure

In the last week I have had an epiphany of sorts. In recent years I have had falling outs with people over different things and it has made certain public outing awkward. You know why I think it's awkward because neither party said anything to each other's face. No closure was found in the end. No goodbyes were spoken. It was just friendship that suddenly stopped. 

Life has gone on and we all change but that tension is there whenever a public outing is on where all parties will be there.  So what I'm trying to say is everything deserves the respect of closure. We should have had it out but my heart and head were to broken to go back there. I obviously don't know why the other parties didn't ever want closure, their hate must have been too great. 

So that brings me to my epiphany. Don't ever argue without resolving it in someway no matter good or bad as the outcome. Don't leave things unsaid and always stand up for yourself no matter if it may hurt a friendship in the end. Closing a chapter although is hard can sometimes open doors to something far better and brighter than what you were scared to lose in the first place. 

Monday, 8 February 2016

How to admit...

I have seriously written six different posts in the last 9 weeks. Trying to come to terms with my life and how I am not ok. I have written, deleted, edited and then just left them there. In the drafts folder, not seeing the light of day. It's really ironic as that's how I have been about my depression. Wanting to share with my closest humans but just feeling like the biggest failure for ending back in this place. It was easier in my head, it was safe to hide until the medication made it hard to pretend. 

Pretend I was normal and life was dandy! Ha!! The first doctor gave me meds that made me sleep at night and not much else during my days. It wasn't seeming to do anything. I go back and say this and he gives me a new script and this is where things go south quickly. It knocks me out. Not just at night but for a practical 22 hours of the day. 

I say practical cause who needs to be awake ever? As far as the first doctor and then the second doctor whom I pleaded with didn't seem to think it was bad. The drugs made me feel out of it all the time and my want to self harm was crazy and that is not me. It scared me so much and I felt like my brain was disappearing quicker than I could save her. I left the room of this doctor as I couldn't believe she thought letting me ride out another 4-6weeks of these side effects was good for me, my family or anyone else around me. 

My world felt like it was imploding, my poor mum was witness to my very public melt down. I mean ugly crying ain't got anything on what crap was happening to me. Perfect strangers stared, mum was hearing my most honest thoughts for the first time and anyone who's knows me will know public emotion is a no go, nup, it's a 100% not happening because someone might see my flaws. 

My mum, my hero walked straight back in the doctors office and demanded I see my doctor who has a minimum six week waiting list, NOW! God love her she managed to make it happen and I just knew, finally I would see someone who will listen to me. Hear my flaws without judgement and be on my side! He changed my meds because he knows me and what I was telling him about the here and now was not my normal self. 

Now, the fog is starting to lift. My smiles are becoming real, my eyes aren't dark and sunken and I can talk. I'm still not reaching out to many people, that will happen with time (if your my friend and I haven't contacted you for awhile, be patient).  I'm being realistic about what I'm going through, where my heads at and how I'm going to get better sooner rather than later. 

I feel like I have half the tools to mend the ladder that will enable me to climb out of the rabbit hole that is depression. I have the motivation of my amazing family to heal my soul. I will be the friend I once was again to the people I have in my life. 

This is me Bx admitting I'm a little broken but I am still me deep down.