Wow this year has flown. Next Christmas is closer than the last one. My girls are heading towards another year older, this year will be my 13th wedding anniversary and i will have spent 18 years with my best friend & lover!
So now that its August, time to start thinking about spring and all that it offers. Time to think of Christmas and what you will buy everyone! Time to think about what you have and haven't achieved this year and if you haven't started your dreams then time to start!
This week coming has a feeling of change on the horizon. You know when you have a heap of nervous energy and you just know in the pit of your stomach that what you wake up with in the morning might not be what you take home that night. It has a feeling of excitement for the mutual thought pattern that Marty and i have about our future. We are totally on the same page and this is a hugely humbling feeling.
We arrived at the end of the week with a big change of thought about the type of house we are going to build on our block. Our original plan was to build a shed, move into said shed and build our house and then i went and had a change of thought back to one of our original ideas. This shocked me the most as i was sort of scared about it originally as it is very outside the box. So tomorrow we are talking to council to not ask what they need, but more ask how they can help us achieved our dream. How they can guide us to see our quirky idea come to life.
So with 3 weeks left of winter and Spring starting to show its face within our gardens and paddocks. I am going to enjoy these last weeks of hibernation before the flowers start to bloom fully, and the sun starts to warm you back up to the core. I'm going to enjoy the changes that are coming in nature, life and with myself. Spring is coming and i'm looking forward to it!
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