Thursday 24 October 2013

No news is good news

Well I have struggled since returning from Sydney with bloggers block. The last 3 weeks have happen with such a blur that I haven't had a moment to catch my breath and review or even acknowledge all that has happened. It has been bugging me a lot. I have wanted so many times to sit and write but the words just wouldn't come. It was like they had vanished and I had no way of getting them to come back. 

These last few weeks have had a lot of pain in them. With the extremely sudden passing of my father inlaw, I hadn't realised that since that happened, three weeks of my life had flown by. Watching my husband deal with his loss was extremely hard. At times he has  worried me senseless but then the moment passes and my happy go lucky man reappears. This tragedy has changed something in his core. A change that has seen a man more humble with his life than ever and a man more incline to make the changes he has found hard to achieve. 

This last few weeks have also brought extreme joy. The joy of seeing a long awaited plan come to fruition. Our double shot fine dining culture nights finally started. The first of many happen this pasted weekend. We were as excited as kids in a candy shop and as nervous as a young couple on their first date. 

As the first plates hit the tables our hearts raced. We waited and waited and waited, finally we ventured out and the reviews were great! So the courses that followed happen smoothly and all in all the night was a huge success! It made us feel like we are heading in the right direction with our business. 

Also in all of this stuff that has happened over the last few weeks, we are putting together our DA application for our house. Which is so exciting I find I get so distracted by it. 

So as my block still plagues me and writing this down has been a struggle. I am taking a big deep breath and a moment to catch up on all that has happened in what seems like a blink of an eye. 

I think i had gotten on a roller coaster three weeks ago that I wasn't told about and I don't think I'm aloud off until the new year. "as we sit at the top of the ride ready to go full speed down the track". I won't close my eyes, I will breath deep, I will hang on and enjoy the ride!

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Hi all, thanks for reading and I will try to reply to all comments. Big love Bx