She has hormones that come and go! Is toilet trained but is messy when it comes to her room. She is kind and loving but has terrible mood swings! She sleeps through the night and would sleep into the day If you let her. She is helpful most of the time. Wants independence but does not always make the smartest choices. Makes a new born baby look like a swing in the park.
Our eldest is too old for dolls (in front of friends) and too young for everything else. The best way to describe what's happening in our home is that we have a new baby and are first time parents. We have no idea what we are doing most of the time and we won't admit to anyone that we don't!! We are making mistakes but are learning from them.
I'm scared of the years ahead. Scared that I will stuff up some thing huge when it comes to the transition from child to woman. All I know is I want to keep my girls talking to us, no matter how hard the conversation may be for us or them.
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