Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Working 9 to 5!

This week has seen our return to work after almost 3 weeks of holidays. I was super excited to return on Monday. I missed work. I know I'm strange and not normal at all, but i really missed it. Don't get me wrong i loved being off. I loved spending time with the girls, even though they fought like they were fighters in the WWF. I loved seeing the S-house start to happen. I loved being just a little lazy and lounge around on the very, very hot days of a Grenfell Summer. As all good things go, reality kicks in and you have to engage back to reality.

Taking time off, has some great advantages. It gives you time to breath, think and re-group. Once your brain relaxes, it starts to think again. It has time to get its mojo back and not just continue on in groundhog zone. This is just what happen and we thought of new products to take the shop. New things to try and ways to expand on the path that we have been heading down. So once we hashed it out, sorted out our plan of action, we set out in making all of it happen. This is where the excitement comes from, wanting to share our ideas with our customers. Like kids waiting for their birthday party to start.

This is not the only reason for the excitement, i was excited to see our customers. Excited to be back working, busy and happy to have the stress. When I'm truly honest, i love the juggling. Juggling the kids, work and everything else in-between. Monday i was riding a huge high and i still haven't come down from and that is probably why having a break from the norm every now and then is good for every part of your life.

All i can put all of these feelings down to is that I'm doing what i love. I enjoy working with my best friend. I love that what we create is enjoyed by many and that our customers really missed us not being open.  We have a great team, they make most days feel like play not work. I'm truly blessed to feel this way. 

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