Saturday, 29 March 2014

Highs and lows

This week has been one with some amazing highs. Awesome feelings of heading in the right direction. It was like we were racing to the climax of the highs that we just couldn't wait for. My week did have a big low. Which I know you can't just have highs otherwise the balance would be lost.

This week has seen us do our last pizza nights at the shop. It was a huge decision, but the one thing that kept coming to my head was money is not worth as much as spending quality time with our girls. When I think about it Marty hasn't spent a Friday night with our girls in almost 3 years. That is huge when I consider how much the girls have changed in that time. 

The shouse got guttering this week and with no tank for another four weeks, our town got the best rain it has had for almost 12 months. It has been beautiful, singing in it worthy. We had a Marty and Bx night away. It was just yummy. Yummy to spend one on one time with my best friend. Talking and I mean non stop talking. It made me laugh, considering we spend everyday together at work, but away from being parents and bosÅ› we are just a couple who just feed off each other. 

 Other highs this week include being on time to work, happy kids, sitting around the table at breakfast and listening to the girls and their crazy conversations. Watching our cat caius play with the kitten Jax. Starting to pack to move out. Relatively simple stuff, but when they give you butterflies, they are huge. 

Only one low to balance the week with, it was doubt and confusion. My head has so many rooms, that I try to lock out the negative, but it only takes one thing to unlock the doors. I struggled with these emotions, as all I could think was that it must be me. Doubt is like a poison ivy, it wraps around rational thought and pulls tight until you are completely irrational. Humanity and it's little quirks I suppose. I have managed to detangle most of the vine, but doubt is hard one to get rid of. Will just take time I guess. 

 So as I sit on my way back from a Marty and bec time weekend away, in Marty's jumper, searching for shapes in the big puffy clouds. I smile, cause next week is around the corner. 

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Hi all, thanks for reading and I will try to reply to all comments. Big love Bx