Thursday 12 September 2013

The question that should be ask everyday!

Today is "are you ok day?", the concept of this day is amazingly simple. It is something that one should ask others always. Asking others if they are ok is simple to do and it really is gob smacking that most people won't do it. 

I'm a strong believer of being honest about feelings. Good, bad and the ugly ones. So this question is easy for me to ask and now very easy to answer. I am stronger now from almost 5 months ago. I know when I was at my lowest moments, all I wanted and craved was someone to notice and ask if I was ok. A simple act of kindness is worth a million times more than most average people would know. 

So on this day as serving my customers I asked this little question and was greeted  with smiles and looks of "thanks for noticing and acknowledging me and my day". Also on this day I asked myself the same question and had a very clear answer come back. Yes Bec, today your ok! 

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