Thursday, 28 November 2013

The lies they tell!

I sit here on the bus on the last day of a week long school camp with maya and her school and am reflecting. People had said things like ' good luck 'or 'why would you want to to go?'. I don't know what people were meaning, I have had a blast! 

I have done more exercise than my body is obviously use to. I have chatted with kids that are beautiful and all made me feel like they enjoyed our time together. Maya has cuddled me lots in front of her friends, which I take as a huge sign I'm not embarrassing to her. This is huge! She still loves me lol. 

I've got to know the teachers. They are all lovely people that really seem to care about these kids and have such great relationships with them. Have to say the kids wore me out a lot so didn't make it every night for chats with the adults but the times I did were funny!

As I sit here reflecting on my week and the bus is full of sleepy kids and tired adults, I feel blessed. For anyone considering going on a school camp, do it! It was so much fun! Loved every second of it. 

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Camp happy

Well it's 6.30am on a Monday morning. I'm sitting in a bus full of year 5 and 6 kids heading on a adventure for five days. To be honest I'm sitting here amazed that they are pretty quiet ( at the moment). I'm excited to be sharing this with maya. She has seemed to have grown up so much in the last 12 months. My baby is almost a lady. 

I decided to ask to come along a few months ago as I was watching maya and thought how she will be grown before I know it. Year six us only a moment away and that is scary beyond words. It feels only yesterday I brought home a beautiful little girl dressed in White with a full head of dark spiky hair. She was perfect and she has grown into a beautiful young girl. 

I'm sure the next few years will be bumpy and sometimes she is going to be horrible and even hate me. Which will break my heart. With that said this time that I can share with her hopefully will make her know 100% I will always be here for her and will be her friends always. 

Have a great week lovelies, I sure I will!


Thursday, 21 November 2013

Grumble bum me

Ever just had a week where you would pick a fight with anyone. Lose your temper just because. Go from happy to sad in 60 seconds. Say the most hurtful words only to be screaming inside your head "what are you doing? Just stop!"  This is my week. 90% of the time I have been fine and the other 10%, a monster has appeared. 

She is a nasty monster. Very mean, very harsh. She is the queen of mean, that has a crown and is not afraid to abuse her power. I don't like her very much and neither does anyone else from what I'm told. 

Gosh I hope and pray others have these kind of weeks where, a demon seems to take over your body and abuse all the ones I love. 'Sorry' has been the word I think I have said that often this week that I wouldn't be surprised if Marty stopped believing me, but how do you explain something that even to me after almost 34 years of life, I don't even understand. 

So I'm hoping that if I write this down, it will make my crazy head abracadabra this demon away. Lift the cloud and let the light of happiness Flood back in where it normally dominates my personality. 

So this is grumble bum me pleading for the crazy happy bx to come back.... Please 

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Too much fun not to share

Last night we held our second double shot culture night. We were so much more organised, a whole lot calmer but still super excited! The night started with music and lots of conversation. The kitchen was a mad flurry of bodies, with us all having our jobs to get done. 

Service went fairly smoothly and feedback was awesome. The music was still pumping when Marty and I could finally relax and chat with friends. Needless to say as usual I hadn't eaten very much all day and my dinner consisted of freckles, m&ms and a banana. So once Marty gave me a drink of wine, my party me came to the show. Once everyone left bar our two closest friends we decided to head to the pub. 

We played pool, sang really badly, danced even worse and laughed. Boy did we laugh. It was so nice to let our hairs down and act a little care free.  I may have done something to the pool cue that were arrestable. A conga line may have happened also. The people I spent my night with are truly implanted into my soul. I don't hide who I am. I let all my silly, quirky and stupid behaviour surface. 

It's very humbling to realise that the people I choose to have in my life and also who want me in their lives. I love my life and everyone who is touching it, is valued beyond what they can imagine. 

Letting my hair down was good for my soul and this feeling was too good not to share with you all. I truly hope everyone had a great weekend. 


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Mini me Milly

My second daughter Amelia is the most like me in personality. She is quirky, laughs with all that she has and finds the silliest things the most fun. She sings like no one is listening, dances like she is a performer on a stage and when playing has the best American accent I've heard from a child. She is totally unique. 

Yesterday Maya our eldest was reading her speech for captain nominations to all of us. It was lovely to see her having the self esteem to want to do this. We all listened intently and when she finished crazy Milly stood up and fist pumped the sky, yelling 'we want a water slide'. All of us wet ourselves laughing because only her mind would think of this and know it was the right time to say something like that. 

I find myself watching her in awe a little as I find her quirkiness something I want to encourage. She has no filter, she says what she feels right at that exact moment and for anyone that knows me well knows that I too do this. I have in the past been made to feel bad for this trait but I now just says what I feel, even if its going to embarrass me in the end. 

My mini me is beautiful and quirky and I love that she has this part of me and i will never tell her to be any other way! Love you moocher 


Saturday, 9 November 2013

Who is the strongest of them all..,,

Today we ventured up to the block for some heavy working. We had trees to remove and rocks to lift. It really didn't look like it was going to happen, as we got there and the heavens opened. We took the opportunity to have lunch in the car, in hope that the rain would stop. It did! We were so shocked as we were convinced we were going home. 

Marty and I headed out and started our work. The girls were playing and fighting. You know the normal things the girls do until they work themselves out. I thought I would see if helping us would help them to work their stuff out. It did and became a competition of who could lift the biggest tree or rock. The amazing thing was the littlest is the strongest! She lifted more than what I would try and she was ever so happy for knowing this fact. 

Watching them compete was a little cute. I know you shouldn't encourage this always but sometimes you do need to compete to prove your worth in the mix and to be honest I don't thinks its a bad life skill to have. I say this not to want my kids to be snotty show offs, just to always try their best and know that sometimes they will be better at some things when others aren't and vice versa. 

The day continued with them helping, which to be honest I thought they would have lost interest in after the first half an hour. We achieved lots and made for a fun day where everyone pitched in. Here is to happy Sundays that make you smile. Hope everyone has had a great day. Enjoy the week to come. 


The downhill stretch

Have you ever noticed that we as a society spend all our time wishing that the week would hurry up and end and then complain that the year has gone so fast. I know I'm guilty of this, which makes me so angry that I too have this silly behaviour. 

I don't know why I wish for time to go quickly. It is so strange. My days are on the whole, fun! Yes I have moments like most where I find times frustrating, but that is normally a small part. 

Time is such a strange thing. My mornings I never and I mean never seem to have enough time. I'm sure if you stood at the front of my house with a counter you would hear the words " hurry up" repeated over and over and over. Then once I'm at work (late as usual) time slows back to the normal pace. I get back home and time speeds up and before you know it, it's 11.30 and I still haven't finished everything.  So don't get me started on the weekends, blink and I miss them!

All I can say is time sometimes is cruel and not at all friendly. It rushes for moments that we treasure and slows to remind us to breath. I'm sure it doesn't mean to rush but it must get excited by fun times too!

Today marks a day where I stop wishing time away and make sure I take in every moment. No more wishing away and just a whole lot of living in the moment!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Fun, music and fairy floss

Today was my girls school fete. One of my babies hadn't been well but was so sad of the thought of missing it that we headed up to it. Once we entered the grounds the sounds were amazing. People talking, Music playing, Kids giggling and people everywhere. 

The kids were running along with the teachers lots of old fashion games. The cake stall was amazing, they even had a barista which to me is a must and gets 10 stars!!! We got our fish money to spend and we set off to find activities to partake in. Maya headed of to the sponge throwing where she was the poor  target. The rest of us looked around, of course we went to the cakes first. Coloured hair spray was next, nail painting, hair extensions and then jumping castle. All the things that young ladies would choose to do. 

Milly and I went and sat down to watch the show. There was an amazing clown who doubled as the MC! He did a magic trick that i have no clue how it worked. Im easily amused i guess. There was a few dance groups and then some young muso talents. I love music so I was captivated. I sat there singing along to myself only to look over and see some young boys in the front row singing their hearts out. I wanted to film them, but they weren't my kids. I wanted to capture that carefree behaviour. 

It was almost more captivating than the singer. These boys were having so much fun and not one care in the world. They sang as though no one was listening. 

This behaviour got me thinking tonight as I find I to do this when I'm listening to music of late. I sing and dance without caring who is around or might be listening.  It is something I find I just don't want to hide or hold in.  Music still has the same effect on me in my thirties. I'm still that 11 year old that doesn't have any cares about who is around. So maybe we don't grown up completely. So sing like no one is listening and dance like you have no cares in the world. 
